Online Personal Training
Online Personal Training, Now you can join us anywhere with our online training.
You can now train with us wherever you are & whenever you want to. From £60 per month for the Ultimate package. This package includes access to our fast growing library of training videos, workout routines, WODs, diet & nutrition advice.
Plus: Also you will automatically join our Right Track diet & nutrition club for FREE
Online Personal Training allows you to train anywhere, anytime & to reach your goals with the help of a real personal trainer.
With Online Personal Training you'll get our expert knowledge at an affordable price. This is a great way to help keep you fit & motivated in these difficult times. Also this is ideal for those on a budget or if you live outside the Nottinghamshire area. Now you can train anywhere, anytime & can get access to your own real personal trainer.
Benefits included:
Personal training anywhere with or without internet access
Take you workouts with you on your IPad, Iphone or Smartphone
Personalised workouts & training plan
Online support & advice
Nutritional analysis & diet advice
Growing library of workout videos
Choose your personal trainer Lucy or John
Online Personal Training
Access to members area
Diet & nutrition
Personal Training plan
E-mail support
Group support
Exclusive offers
Personalised Eating Plan
Face to Face Support (FaceTime or Zoom)
Exclusive Videos
And Much More